Shopping online is very interactive. We have a lot of varieties to choose from, however; we often purchase goods online in a hurry and miss to read the details of the products. If you do not check the fine print, you are more likely to get disappointed when the item arrives at your door. It is recommended to look into the product information carefully before placing an order.

Some online stores often mislead people, and you end up receiving a product that looks completely different from what you had ordered. The only good thing is to laugh at it.

Here are 20 amusing order fails and misleading adverts from the internet:

1. I wanted it for my niece!

20 Funny Order Fails

2. Did it grow on the way?

20 Funny Order Fails

3. My wife is a pro.

20 Funny Order Fails

4. Monstrous!

20 Funny Order Fails


5. A talented florist.

20 Funny Order Fails


6. A heartbreaking sprinkler.

20 Funny Order Fails


7. An Oreo shake?

20 Funny Order Fails


8. It turned out to be a disaster.

20 Funny Order Fails


9. It wouldn’t even cover my daughter.

Read also: Hilarious supermarket fails


10. My wife knows how to use a cake mix, literally.

20 Funny Order Fails


11. The only thing that floated was the disappointment.


12.  I wanted this for my mom. Aladin, are you listening?


13.  I got poop toast from the iHop.

20 Funny Order Fails


14. For those who are on a diet.


15. This cake would give Elsa a heart-attack.


16. This skirt wouldn’t even fit my thigh.


17. Was this meant for aliens?

18. Little Mermaid?


19. This is so misleading.


20. Pretty Close!



Have you got failed orders? Share this article with your friends; this may make their day.